achieving a natural look with your spray tan

Achieving a Natural Look with Your Spray Tan

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    Let's be honest: glowing, tanned skin is attractive. A tan can make a guy look suddenly younger, healthier, and in good shape.

    Unfortunately, just tanning, whether or not in a tanning booth or out in the sun, can cause skin cancer and wrinkles to show up early. Spray tanning has become a popular option for guys who don't want to deal with the side effects of traditional tanning.

    Spray tanning is easy and quick, and it gives you an attractive tan without any bad side effects. But how can you ensure that your tan looks genuine instead of looking like you were dipped in a tub of orange paint? Don't worry; in this article, we'll show you how to get that natural glow.

    What Is Spray Tanning Basics?

    Spray tanning is easy to learn how to do. It is a method of spraying a solution that changes the skin colour on your body with a special machine. The outcome is a bronze, fake tan glow that will last a few days or even longer, based on your needs and how often you tan.

    Most of the time, getting a spray tan takes around twenty minutes. It's great for people who don't like the idea of lying out in the scorching sun or coming to a tanning shop, and it's also a simple way to appear like you spent days at the beach when you haven't.

    There are many different kinds of solutions, and choosing one that fits your wants is important. Some people like colours that stand out more, while others like those that are lighter or none. If this is your initial attempt at getting a spray tan, start with a lighter colour so you can get a feel for how things work. Most individuals like darker colours in general.

    Remember that your spray tan treatment will show up after you get it. It usually takes about 8 hours for the colour to settle in. After this amount of time, you can go about your normal daily activities and still have a tan. Most people plan their treatments at night so they can fall asleep and wake up appearing nice and tanned without worrying about how long it's been.

    How to Get Ready for a Spray Tan So That It Looks the Most Natural

    achieving a natural look with your spray tan1

    A great spray tan depends on how well the skin is prepared, the product used and how the therapist applies it. As was already said, a good spray tanner will tell you how to prepare for your meeting, but you should be extra ready.

    • Take a bath in a little oil 24 hours before your visit to eliminate any leftover self-tanner. Use a tan brush to get rid of any stubborn spots.
    • Any hair removal must be done at least 24 or 48 hours before getting a tan. This is because hair removal removes dead skin cells, which the self-tanner needs to make you look golden brown.
    • Still, it's important to scrub your skin. Use a rough scrub instead of a chemical scrub to remove dry skin the night before.
    • Keep your skin dry on the day you get tanned. Oils, lotions, and moisturising creams can make a layer that helps the tan stick evenly. This is the primary cause for streaks, along with putting tan on legs that have just been cut.
    • Wear open, dark clothes so the dye doesn't run or streak, and if you can, go bra-less.

    Tips to Get a Natural Look

    Search for a Trained Tan Technician

    First, you need to find the best pros. DIY projects are a lot of fun, whether setting up the centrepieces for a dinner party at home or giving your old desk a new look with a can of spray and some hard work. But some things can only be done by people who have been taught. The best example is your skin.

    With all the time we spend scanning our groceries and pressing "0" to get past automated replies and talk to a real person, it's clear that interacting with an actual person is not something we should take for granted. 

    This is even more true when it's related to our face care. Even if you manage to alternate perfectly during the automated countdown midway through the spray-tan booth activities, the outcomes are often blotchy, patchy, and uneven. In other words, they look anything but natural!


    Read Reviews

    Before buying, you certainly read a few reviews to ensure you're getting the correct item for your face. Your spray tan is just the same.

    Make sure there are a lot of five-star reviews from satisfied customers before you choose a spray tan place. You should additionally search for the word "natural" in the reviews to see what others say about how their tan turned out.

    Do Some Prep Work

    If you want to get the best tan possible, spending a little time getting your face ready can help a lot. Before your meeting, we suggest that you exfoliate your skin. When the canvas is flake-free, it's far simpler for the artists to make their sun-kissed masterpieces. 

    Also, skipping your normal lotions, perfumes, and other beauty products for a day is important. Don't shower on the day of your visit if you can help it. If you need to smell better, washing your hair without creams a few hours before is fine. But if you want a natural tan, it's best to come as you are. So, our organic goods can do what they need to do without having to contend with chemicals. 

    Schedule an Evening Appointment

    You might be better off setting up your spray tan for the evening for several reasons, one of which is that it will be easier. Spray tan artists usually tell you not to get wet for at least six hours after getting sprayed. Because of this, guys can go dwelling after their lesson, fall asleep, and wake up the next day ready to shower.

    Also, an evening engagement gives you time to wash and scrub your face before your lesson, so you'll be ready to go with a clean face. To get a natural look, remove all the sunscreen and moisturiser from your face.

    Keep Your Beautiful Bronze Up

    Once you begin to see the full effects of your treatment within hours after your visit, there are a few things that you can do to keep your skin looking sun-kissed. You can get the absolute most out of your colour in a few other ways besides using our tan extension. 

    After your meeting, it's best to wait 24 hours before showering. Don't worry if you can't go that long, lacking a good wash. Go ahead and shower with a light cleanser with a balanced PH. Refrain from scrubbing your face too hard, and ensure none of your moisturisers have oil in them. 

    There is no reason to fear orange hands or pale patches when you have trained stylists and technicians. Take a little time getting ready, pay attention to how you can make your tan last longer, and find the right experts to help you reach all your goals for your glow for the best results.

    How to Keep Your Tan Looking as Natural as Possible

    Keeping the colour from the first rinse on will give you long-lasting effects. Hot showers can easily remove dead skin cells, which can speed up the fading of skin colour. Keeping the water warm while patting the skin dry will help the glow last longer. Prevent thick, sticky moisturisers once your skin is dry. Mist your body with water.

    Keep Your Skin Moisturised 

    Most spray tans contain either a small amount or a lot of DHA, which will dehydrate the top layer of your skin if you don't keep it hydrated. Make sure to moisturise at least once a day. Remember that this step is one of the most significant actions you can do to make your tan last longer.

    Every Time You Shower, Use Cool Water  

    Hot water will make the DHA work, which can cause your skin to get stained. Some salons say you should shower for under eight hours, but sometimes it's impossible or easy to wait that long.

    Do Not Pick or Scratch at Your Spray Tan

    You should offer yourself a quick once-over with a loofah to find any dry spots you missed when you put on the lotion, but you should never scratch down the front of your body! If you aren't sure if a thing is dry or doesn't feel right, add another thin layer of moisturiser to the area, wait 10 minutes, and then try again.  

    Keep All Clothing Loose And Soft

    When you just got a spray tan, the less you rub and pull on it, the better. So, wear clothes that don't fit too tightly when you go out. And if you have to take off your clothes, don't pull on them!

    Enhancing the Natural Look

    Choosing the Right Outfit

    Your tan can look good with what you wear. When you have sun-kissed skin, earthy tones and colours look great.

    Makeup and Hair

    achieving a natural look with your spray tan2

    Change your hair and makeup to match your tan. Your natural glow can be brought out with light, natural makeup and free waves.

    Confidence is Key

    Don't be shy about your tan. A good attitude is a valuable accessory because it makes you shine like a work of art on show.


    Spray tanning is a popular option for men who don't want to deal with the side effects of traditional tanning. It involves spraying a solution that changes skin color with a special machine, resulting in a bronze, fake tan glow that lasts a few days or even longer. Getting a spray tan takes around twenty minutes and is ideal for those who don't like lying out in the sun or tanning shops.

    Choosing the right solution is important, as some people prefer lighter colors, while others prefer darker ones. The treatment usually takes about 8 hours for the color to settle in, and most people plan their treatments at night to achieve a natural look.

    To get a great spray tan, prepare your skin well, the product used, and the therapist's application. Take a bath in oil 24 hours before the visit, use a tan brush to remove stubborn spots, and have hair removed at least 24 or 48 hours before getting a tan. Scrub your skin with a rough scrub instead of a chemical scrub, keep your skin dry on the day of the tan, wear open, dark clothes, and go bra-less if possible.

    To achieve a natural look, search for a trained tan technician and read reviews to ensure you're getting the correct item for your face. Look for five-star reviews and search for "natural" in reviews to see how others have tanned their skin.

    To achieve the best tan, it is essential to prepare your skin by exfoliating before your appointment, skipping normal lotions, perfumes, and beauty products, and scheduling an evening appointment. This allows you to sleep the night before and wake up the next day with a clean face. To keep your tan looking natural, wait 24 hours before showering and use a light cleanser with a balanced pH.

    To keep your tan looking as natural as possible, keep the color from the first rinse on, keep the water warm while patting the skin dry, and avoid thick, sticky moisturizers. Moisturize your skin at least once a day with cool water, and avoid picking or scratching at the spray tan.

    When dressing, wear loose and soft clothes that don't fit too tightly and don't pull on clothes if needed. Enhance the natural look by choosing the right outfit, changing your hair and makeup to match your tan, and having confidence in your tan.

    In summary, getting ready for a spray tan involves exfoliating your skin, skipping normal lotions, perfumes, and beauty products, scheduling an evening appointment, and maintaining a natural look. By following these tips, you can achieve a natural tan that will last for years.

    Content Summary

    • Glowing, tanned skin can make one appear younger and healthier.
    • Traditional tanning can lead to skin cancer and early wrinkles.
    • Spray tanning offers a safer alternative to traditional tanning.
    • Spray tans should look genuine and not orange.
    • Spray tanning involves spraying a colour-changing solution onto the skin.
    • The resulting tan can last several days or longer.
    • A typical spray tan session takes about twenty minutes.
    • Spray tanning allows for a beachy look without actual sun exposure.
    • There are multiple tanning solution options to choose from.
    • For beginners, starting with a lighter shade is recommended.
    • It takes about 8 hours for the spray tan colour to settle.
    • Many prefer getting their tans at night for convenience.
    • Pre-tan skin preparation is crucial for a natural look.
    • Exfoliate 24 hours before the tan to remove leftover self-tanner.
    • Hair removal should be done 24 to 48 hours before the tan.
    • Physical scrubs are better than chemical ones for pre-tan exfoliation.
    • Avoid moisturisers and lotions on the day of tanning.
    • Wearing dark, open clothing post-tan helps prevent dye run.
    • Finding a trained tan technician ensures better results.
    • Automated spray-tan booths can lead to uneven tans.
    • Reading reviews can help identify the best spray tan places.
    • Look for the word "natural" in the reviews for best outcomes.
    • Pre-tan skin preparation enhances the final result.
    • It's best to avoid showering on the day of your spray tan.
    • Evening appointments are practical as they allow the tan to settle overnight.
    • Avoid getting wet for at least six hours post-tanning.
    • Maintaining the tan requires specific post-tan care.
    • Wait for 24 hours post-tan before showering.
    • Use balanced PH light cleansers for post-tan showers.
    • Avoid oil-containing moisturisers after getting a tan.
    • Proper preparation and trained technicians prevent unnatural tan outcomes.
    • Prolonged hot showers can fade the tan faster.
    • Mist your body with water to maintain the tan.
    • Keeping skin moisturised is key to a longer-lasting tan.
    • DHA in tans can dehydrate the skin, emphasising the need for moisturising.
    • Use cool water for showers to maintain the tan.
    • Avoid scratching or picking at the spray tan.
    • Wear loose clothing post-tan to minimise rubbing.
    • Earthy tones complement sun-kissed skin.
    • Adapting hair and makeup can enhance the natural look of the tan.
    • Confidence boosts the overall appearance of the tan.
    • Spray tanning offers a risk-free way to achieve a sun-kissed look.
    • Tan preparation ensures optimal results.
    • Choosing the right tanning solution shade is vital.
    • Pat the skin dry after showering to preserve the tan.
    • Exfoliation ensures an even tan application.
    • A clean face aids in a more natural-looking tan.
    • Ensure you're well-informed about the tanning process.
    • Reviews give insights into the quality of the tanning service.
    • A natural glow is achieved with proper care and the right expertise.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does it take for a spray tan to work? What should I do? The development process normally takes about 8 hours, depending on the tanning formula. So, don't take a shower for at least this long. If you can, it's best to sleep in your tan.

    Most of the time, we suggest getting a spray tan at least three days before an event. Spray tanning doesn't happen right away, and your tan will get darker over the next few days, hitting its peak on the third day.

    Spray tans always appear best for at least one day after the first visit. Self-tanners can help you keep your tan longer and make it fade more evenly. Even if you have a spray tan, you should still use SPF.

    A good spray tan can last up to a week, but this depends on how you care for your skin and how dark you want the tan to be. A light golden can wear off in about five days, but a darker shade can last a week or more. But there are many things you can do to make your spray tan last longer.

    After the tan, you might smell like sweets for a few hours. You will have to wait at least six hours to shower, and when you do, you will have to pat yourself dry instead of wiping the towel across your entire body. You might not be able to leave the house for a few hours whilst the sun's rays set.

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