spray tan maintenance

Spray Tan Maintenance: Keeping Your Tan Fresh

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    Getting that sun-kissed look with spray tanning is a great way to improve your look without the risks of UV exposure.

    To get the most out of your spray tan, take the time to prepare before your session and pay attention to how to care for your tan in the days after. And, of course, you should always take care of your skin, whether you have a spray tan or not.

    Spray tans are non-sun treatments that temporarily darken the skin with a dihydroxyacetone (DHA) solution. DHA reacts with the outer layer of your skin to give you a tan that extends for roughly seven to ten days.

    But you must take care of that beautiful tan if you want it to last. In this post, we'll talk about how to take care of your spray tan and give you tips to keep it looking fresh and healthy.

    What's a Spray Tan? How Does a Spray Tan Work?

    Spray tanning has become increasingly common today because it is less hazardous than baking in sunlight for ten hours a day. There are a lot of fake tans in movies, on TV, and the streets. They look like an alien orange glow. 

    Spray or sunless tanning is a way to get a tan without sun exposure. This mist contains a chemical called Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with your skin's chemistry to make it tan or bronze. The chemical reaction is the same if you toast bread or roast potatoes. When amino acids in the outermost layer of the skin react with DHA, it makes the skin tan. Depending on a number of things, a tan from DHA can last anywhere from 3 to 10 days.

    The spray may also have erythrulose, which comes from red raspberries. DHA and erythrulose are used together in tanning products to make the tan last longer, fade better, and give the skin a nice colour.

    Why You Should Choose Spray Tan

    It is More Cost Effective

    Spray tans might cost more per session but can last 7 to 10 days. The fees to places in tanning facilities can get pricey, and it could be safer, so that's on top of the cost. Remember to go to a tanning bed more often to get the same appearance as a spray tan. Also, you'd have to use self-tanners more often to get the same colour as with a spray tan, which would cost you more money over time.

    It Looks Better

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    Since tanning in the sun or a tanning bed is unsafe, certain individuals choose to use a self-tanner instead. But getting a spray tan is much easier and takes less time than putting lotion or gel across your body. 

    Spray tanning additionally dries faster than most products for self-tanning. It's best to let a professional take care of it. Our tans are high-quality and made so they won't clog your pores, make a mess, or leave streaks.

    It is Organic

    Organic tanning remedies are made with ingredients that nourish and moisturise the skin. You can get a tan in just fifteen minutes, making you feel better.

    It is Safer

    As was already said, spray tanning is less risky than sunbathing or tanning in a bed. Sun damage can't always be fixed, and it speeds up the ageing process. That sort of damage is not worth getting a tan. But how safe is it to spray tan? The FDA has said that spray tanning is safe to use on the skin, but it should be kept out of the eyes and not breathed in.

    Tips to Make Your Spray Tanning Last Longer

    Spray tans are now the best way to get a healthy glow without exposing your skin to UV rays, which can damage your skin and make you look older than you are. An ideal tan begins with healthy skin, and our tans are made to make you feel better as well as look better. Spray tans are good for your skin and give you a beautiful glow that lasts longer. For how long does a spray tan last for? 

    The answer depends upon a few things, like the health of your skin, its colour, and how you take care of it before and after you spray tan. In this blog, we'll answer the question, "How long does a spray tan last?" and give you a few essential spray tan tips to help you get the most out of your tan.

    How Long Does a Tanning Spray Last?

    A spray tan may last ten days but also depends on your skin. Spray tans might last about 5 days on lighter skin tones, 7–8 days on medium skin tones, and up to 10 days on darker skin tones. To be safe, your spray tan will last between 5 and 7 days, depending on how you take care of it. 

    Now that we know how long a spray-on tan lasts, we want to help you get what you can from everyone you get. If you follow these tips, your tan will last longer, and your skin will be protected from harmful oils.  

    Start with Exfoliation

    Take a few minutes to exfoliate your skin the day before you get a spray tan. It's one of the most significant things you must do to ensure your tan lasts as long as possible. 

    Use an exfoliating mitt and a cleanser or cream to remove layers of dead skin and other dirt. Dead skin cells can get in the way of tanners and make streaks.

    You can also shave or wax the day prior to your appointment. If you apply wax after getting a spray tan, you might take the tan off. 

    Shave And Wax

    Another important thing to do before getting a spray tan is to shave the parts of your body that are going to be sprayed. This is due to the solution might stick to the hairs and make the colour look patchy. Make sure that you trim or wax any parts that are going to be sprayed between six and twelve hours before the spraying session. This will help eliminate any stubble or hair that could change how your spray tan looks.


    Suppose you want a simple method to make your spray tan last longer. Correctly moisturising is about as easy as it gets. 

    Moisturise your skin the day before your appointment, paying extra attention to places like your elbows and feet, where your skin is driest. This will not only help the skin heal after you exfoliate, but it will also help your tan last longer by slowing down the natural exfoliation process. 

    Every seven days, your body naturally gets rid of dead skin cells. This is your body's natural way of keeping your skin smooth and healthy, but it can damage your spray tan, which is on the outermost layer of the skin. 

    This process is slowed down by moisturising, so it's important to do so if you want your tan to last longer. Making it a habit to moisturise after getting a spray tan will help your tan remain as long as possible. 

    Wear Loose, Dark Clothing

    After getting a spray tan, you should wear dark, loose clothes so you don't rub off the solution or get it on your clothes. If you want your tan to look fresh and even, wear dark, loose-fitting clothes after your appointment. This will help you avoid rubbing and scuffing your skin as you move. Choose clothing that is easy to take off, and don't wear clothes that are too tight because they can rub towards your skin and make the tan wear off unevenly.

    Shower Carefully

    To understand how to make a spray tan last longer, you must know that the initial eight hours are very important. Don't get wet now, or your tan will be ruined. The longer you can go without showering, the better. This time in between gives the tan additional opportunity to form. The least amount of time to wait should be eight hours. The best thing to do would be to wait 24 hours. 

    Avoid water, sweating, and touching your skin.

    After getting a spray tan, you must treat your skin with extra care. Make sure you don't do anything that will get you wet or make you sweat, like swimming, working out, or heading to the sauna. Also, you should try not to scratch or rub your skin for as long as possible.

    Touch Up as Needed

    Another great way to make a spray tan last longer is to touch it up occasionally. Use a tan extender daily and a regular moisturiser every other day to keep your tan looking fresh. 

    There are a lot of various sprays, bubbles, and gels on the market that can help with this. The best one is one that has DHA and a moisturiser mixed. We always suggest going to a professional for the most natural-looking sunless tan.

    Aftercare for Tanning: Good Skincare

    Aftercare for a spray tan is much more than just what you use both inside and outside of the tanning salon. Take proper care of your skin to get the most out of your tan. These tips can help you think about your skin's long-term health:

    Eat Your Fruits and Veggies 

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    Your diet affects your skin health in a big way and can help you feel and look your best. Eat many vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy proteins. If you want to take care of your skin, try dietary supplements such as fish oil and avoid bad fats and processed or refined sugars.

    Be Gentle

    It's not surprising that our skin gets tired after everything we do to it, like shaving, showering, and trying out new beauty products.

    Always Wear SPF

    We can't say that tanned skin isn't attractive, but that doesn't mean you should sit in the sun. UV rays can damage your skin, giving you wrinkles and age spots. They may also make you more likely to get skin cancer. Even if you don't plan to spend much time outside, you should always put on at least SPF 15 sunscreen. Even a little sun on occasion can hurt the health of your skin. 


    Your skin and the rest of your body will benefit from drinking much water. One suggestion is to consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. Another idea is to take half of your body weight and drink equal ounces. If you measure 150 pounds, for example, you should drink 75 ounces.  

    Even though such spray tan aftercare suggestions have nothing to do with the spray tan itself, they help keep your skin healthy, and that's the key to a glowing tan.  

    Preserving Your Tan!

    How long you have to wait to shower after a spray tan depends on the solution used. When you first shower after getting a spray tan, you should only use water to wash off the solution. Moisturising is the best way to keep your skin well-hydrated and stop it from losing colour in spots.  

    You shouldn't exfoliate for a few days after getting a spray tan. After getting a spray tan, a bar of soap and a body scrub can fade your tan. You should avoid chlorine-filled pools and hot tubs for the initial 24 hours after getting a spray tan so that it doesn't fade.


    Spray tanning is a non-sun treatment that temporarily darkens the skin with a dihydroxyacetone (DHA) solution, resulting in a tan lasting around seven to ten days. 

    It is more cost-effective than sun exposure and can be done in less time than self-tanners. Spray tans are also more visually appealing and dries faster than most self-tanning products.

    Spray tanning is safer than sunbathing or tanning in a bed, as sun damage can't always be fixed and can speed up the aging process. Authorities stated that spray tanning is safe to use on the skin, but it should be kept out of the eyes and not breathed in.

    To make your spray tan last longer, follow these tips:

    1. Exfoliate your skin the day before getting a spray tan. Use an exfoliating mitt and cleanser or cream to remove layers of dead skin and dirt. You can also shave or wax the day before your appointment. If you apply wax after getting a spray tan, you may take the tan off.
    2. Trim or wax any parts of your body that will be sprayed between six and twelve hours before the spraying session. This helps eliminate stubble or hair that could change the appearance of your spray tan.
    3. Avoid using harsh chemicals or alcohols in your spray tan. These can cause skin irritation and can cause temporary sensitivity.

    In summary, spray tanning is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to achieve a healthy glow without exposing your skin to harmful UV rays. By following these tips, you can ensure a long-lasting and healthy spray tan.

    To make a spray tan last longer, follow these simple steps:

    1. Moisturize your skin the day before your appointment, especially in dry areas like your elbows and feet. This will help the skin heal and slow down the natural exfoliation process.
    2. Wear loose, dark clothing after your appointment to avoid rubbing and scuffing the tan.
    3. Shower carefully for the initial eight hours, allowing the tan to form. The best time is 24 hours.
    4. Avoid water, sweating, and touching your skin, such as swimming, working out, or sauna. Avoid scratching or rubbing your skin for as long as possible.
    5. Touch up as needed with a tan extender daily and a regular moisturiser every other day. The best option is a mix of DHA and a moisturiser.
    6. Aftercare for a spray tan includes eating fruits and vegetables, being gentle, and always wearing SPF 15 sunscreen. Drinking water helps keep your skin healthy and prevents fading.
    7. Preserve your tan by only using water to wash off the solution when showering. Avoid exfoliating for a few days after getting a spray tan, as soap and body scrub can fade the tan. Avoid chlorine-filled pools and hot tubs for the initial 24 hours to prevent fading.

    Content Summary

    • Spray tanning provides a sun-kissed look without UV exposure.
    • Preparing in advance enhances the effectiveness of your spray tan.
    • Skin care is essential regardless of having a spray tan.
    • The active ingredient in spray tans is dihydroxyacetone (DHA).
    • DHA interacts with the outer skin layer to produce a tan.
    • Typically, a spray tan lasts between seven to ten days.
    • Spray tanning is popular due to reduced risks compared to sunbathing.
    • Some fake tans give an unnatural, orange glow.
    • Spray tans work by chemically reacting with your skin to produce a tan.
    • DHA's reaction with skin is compared to toasting bread.
    • Some tanning products also contain erythrulose derived from red raspberries.
    • DHA and erythrulose combined improve the tan's longevity and appearance.
    • Spray tanning is more cost-effective in the long run.
    • Using a tanning bed frequently can be expensive.
    • Spray tans provide a better look than self-tanning lotions.
    • Professional spray tans dry faster and are less likely to streak.
    • Organic tanning solutions nourish and moisturise the skin.
    • Spray tanning is a safer alternative to sunbathing and tanning beds.
    • The FDA has deemed spray tanning safe for skin.
    • One should avoid getting the spray in the eyes or inhaling it.
    • Spray tans offer a UV-free method to achieve a radiant glow.
    • Tan longevity depends on skin health, colour, and post-tan care.
    • Lighter skin tones may retain the tan for around 5 days.
    • Medium skin tones can maintain the tan for 7–8 days.
    • Darker skin tones might enjoy the tan for up to 10 days.
    • Exfoliating before tanning helps the tan last longer.
    • Dead skin cells can interfere with tanning, causing streaks.
    • It's advisable to shave or wax before the tanning session.
    • Shaving after tanning can remove the tan.
    • Moisturising before tanning helps prolong the tan.
    • Regular moisturising can slow the skin's natural exfoliation process.
    • After tanning, wearing dark, loose clothes prevents tan removal and stains.
    • The first eight hours post-tanning are crucial.
    • Waiting at least 8 hours before showering is recommended.
    • It's best to avoid water, sweating, and skin-touching post-tanning.
    • Touching up your tan can extend its life.
    • Tan extenders and moisturisers can help maintain the tan.
    • Products with DHA and moisturisers are recommended for touch-ups.
    • For the best results, professional tan touch-ups are advisable.
    • Post-tan skincare is essential both inside and outside the salon.
    • A balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, and healthy proteins benefits skin health.
    • Avoiding processed sugars and bad fats can improve skin health.
    • Treat your skin gently, especially after various treatments.
    • Even with a tan, always wear SPF to protect against UV rays.
    • UV rays can harm the skin, making it age prematurely.
    • Continuous sun exposure can lead to irreversible skin damage.
    • A diet rich in fish oil and low in processed sugars benefits the skin.
    • Good skincare practices enhance the longevity of the spray tan.
    • Consuming a balanced diet positively affects overall skin health.
    • Spray tanning offers a combination of safety, beauty, and skin health benefits.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    You can put sunscreen on top of your spray tan to keep UV rays from hurting your skin. Choose a waterproof sunscreen with a wide range of protection.

    After getting a spray tan, don't exfoliate too much. Once a week of gentle exfoliation should be enough to keep your tan from fading too quickly.

    If you see patches, talk to the person who did your spray tan about how to fix them. Self-tanners can make the problem worse, so don't use them.

    Even though you can swim, you should avoid chlorine and saltwater because they can make your tan fade faster.

    The best amount of time between sessions depends on the person. Most of the time, every one to two weeks is enough to keep your tan looking fresh.

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