why more men are opting for cosmetic treatment

Why More Men Are Opting For Cosmetic Treatment?

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    Women have been trying to look younger and more put together by preening, waxing, grooming, nipping, and tucking for decades. Once upon a time, men were urged to "grow old gracefully" and "age like a fine vintage wine," it was frowned upon for them to be overly preoccupied with their appearance.

    The tides have turned, and nowadays, it's not frowned upon for straight males to care about how they look as much as it is for homosexual men or "metrosexuals" in their twenties.

    Today, the typical heterosexual middle-aged male is much more likely to go to great lengths—beyond soap and a razor—to enhance his appearance. There has been an increase in the number of middle-aged men seeking non-surgical procedures, whether to enhance their appearance for professional reasons, to adapt to a new romantic or social situation, or to boost their self-esteem.

    Males in their 30s and 40s were more likely than males in other age groups to get non-invasive cosmetic procedures, including Dermal fillers, injections to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and liposuction. Eyelid surgery, facelifts, and non-invasive body contouring were all popular procedures for patients aged 50 to 70.

    Which Cosmetic Operations Are Most Requested By Men?

    These days, cosmetic surgery is a popular option among many males. Some of them are ageing baby boomers who look and feel great thanks to their careful upkeep. Some are younger males who intend to delay ageing for as long as possible. There are a variety of cosmetic operations available for men to choose from to improve their appearance, regardless of age, social standing, or motivation.


    There's a common myth that liposuction is only done on women. That is not the case at all. Many guys have trouble spots that refuse to respond to healthy eating and regular physical activity. The tummy can be slimmed, love handles can be removed, and the chest can be sculpted with liposuction.

    The process of liposuction is equivalent for both men and women. Local anaesthesia is used for the procedure. After administering a small oral sedative, the surgeon will make a few incisions along the treatment region. A circular biopsy punch is used to make the incisions instead of scalpels. The cuts are merely a millimetre or two in length. After incisions, tumescent fluid, a saline solution containing a local anaesthetic, is infused into the surgical site to numb it. 

    Stomach, bra rolls, and love handles are typically targeted during liposuction procedures. A laser is utilised after the area has been numbed in order to soften the fat and induce skin tightening in the immediate vicinity of the treatment. A cannula, a tiny metal rod, is used to suck the fat cells out of the patient's body.

    Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Surgery)

    Male breast reduction surgery, often known as gynecomastia surgery, is intended to treat excessive breast tissue in men. The severity of gynecomastia can be classified into four distinct categories. Extreme cases of the latter grades might cause the breast envelope to sag. A breast lift may be necessary in such cases. Liposuction is commonly used as part of a treatment plan for gynecomastia. 

    Male breast reduction procedures frequently involve the removal of tissue. Your cosmetic surgeon will explain in detail what scarring might be expected from the incisions that remove excess skin. In cases with moderate to severe gynecomastia, when more skin laxity is evident and relocating the nipple and areola is required, tissue excision is the choice.

    Excess glandular tissue is the underlying cause of gynecomastia, and it can be eliminated with keyhole surgery, often known as laparoscopic surgery. 

    The risk of problems during laparoscopic surgery is quite low because of the small incisions used. Depending on your cosmetic goals, you may need a mix of liposuction, glandular tissue removal, and tissue excision. After gynecomastia surgery, the chest is more symmetrical and more manly.


    Men interested in achieving a leaner and more muscular appearance can investigate laser treatments. Fraxel is a relatively invasive procedure that also necessitates significant recovery time. However, if you want to look incredibly young quickly, lasers can be a great tool to help you achieve that look. If this is your first time doing so, you should investigate lasers for yourself because they can effectively remove years from your appearance.


    Many guys avoid cosmetic operations for fear of being mistaken for women. Many people avoid getting cosmetic filler because of this. However, there are more manly methods available that can help you seem years younger. If you use less of it, you can achieve a subtle, natural effect. It's great for making you look much younger than you are. Dark circles under the eyes can be avoided, and a "tired" appearance can be avoided if the therapy is applied to that area.

    Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)

    Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery for men, is commonly done to improve facial harmony. Nose reshaping, or rhinoplasty, can help your nose better match the size and form of your other facial features. Rhinoplasty can alter the nose's width, tip shape, and overall appearance when performed on men. A nose job for men can help with a deviated septum or difficulty breathing by fixing any structural flaws in the nose.

    All male patients receive general anaesthesia for their nose jobs. The cosmetic surgeon may opt to utilise a combination of local anaesthesia and oral sedation for more extensive rhinoplasty treatments. Depending on your diagnostic findings, cartilage and bone may need to be removed initially. If a smaller nose is your aim after rhinoplasty, any excess tissue will be surgically removed. An ear or septal cartilage graft enhances the nose during rhinoplasty.

    The cosmetic surgeon then seals the incision and pulls the skin back down after the nose has been reshaped and resized. A splint may be placed over your nose and instructed to be worn continuously for at least a week.

    Tummy Tuck

    Loose, sagging skin in the abdominal region is a common side effect of aging and rapid weight reduction. Tummy tuck surgery for men is performed to firm up the abdominal muscles and create a flatter, more masculine profile. Men with flatter, more muscular stomachs increasingly opt for tummy tuck surgery.

    Tummy tucks are typically done while the patient is unconscious. Both the micro and full tummy tuck procedures are available to men. Some men get a tummy tuck in conjunction with liposuction to get rid of their love handles and reveal their six-pack abs.

    Facial Surgery

    While most guys don't mind getting wrinkles as they get older, drooping skin around the eyes and jowls can make some men seem older than they are. Consequently, more and more men opt for relatively simple cosmetic procedures. A facelift or chin augmentation can make a person look and feel decades younger. Eyelid surgery can dramatically affect the face, giving it a fresher, younger look.

    Injectable Fillers And Botox 

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    These non-invasive treatments are ideal for those who want to improve the look of their faces without going under the knife. Patients often experience short wait times and immediate benefits. Therefore, fillers are a simple and low-commitment solution for men to improve some parts of their appearance. Because men's muscular tissue is often denser and more robust than women's, men often require more Botox or filler units than women. Men should expect to see their fine lines vanish and their deeper wrinkles appear less severe. Botox and fillers can last anywhere from six to twelve months when properly cared for.

    Laser Hair Removal

    There has been a recent uptick in the number of males seeking laser hair removal. Although the therapy was initially developed for women with leg hair, many men now treat their ears, brows, and even backs the same way. You can also get it done on your chest if you like. Hair removal methods have come a long way in recent years, and now you have many options. Remember that you might have trouble getting this done if your hair isn't black.

    Why Do Men Seek For Cosmetic Procedures?

    Relive Their Youth

    You can restore your youthful appearance through cosmetic surgery. Plenty of individuals out there would like to get a little more macho. This is especially true after experiencing significant loss, such as the end of a marriage or a divorce. Feeling younger might be a side effect of looking younger. People with a positive self-image of their youthfulness report higher levels of happiness, reduced stress, and enhanced mental acuity.

    Take Away Their Deeply Held Insecurities

    There are a variety of factors that can cause men to feel uneasy about their appearance. It's not always about appearances when someone is insecure. Anything in your background or a chance event has influenced how you look. Men's cosmetic surgery has positively affected mental and physical well-being.

    Boost Your Career Chances

    Gaining an edge in the job market is a major motivation for many men to get cosmetic surgery. It helps to project an image of youth, fitness, and masculinity to advance in your career. This is because you take pride in your appearance and carry yourself with the self-assurance of doing so.

    Requires Less Time To Maintain Physical Fitness

    why more men are opting for cosmetic treatment2

    Work smarter, not harder, to keep up with today's hectic pace. This is sometimes true in the business world, yet in many organisations, long hours are the norm rather than the exception. Men today rarely find the time to devote to the gym that they once did due to the pressures of work, social obligations, and family life.

    The dreaded "dad bod" results from a lack of activity, long hours sitting at a desk, and the gradual metabolism decline as one age. This soft, doughy appearance is tough to lose, even with a nutritious diet and regular exercise. When diet and exercise alone aren't enough to get rid of excess fat, liposuction may be the answer. Liposuction is the most common male surgical operation, making up around 25% of the total. While some downtime is involved, the benefits are dramatic without being visible, and the recovery time is low.

    The Shame Associated With Men Going Under The Knife

    Although we have made great strides, it was previously mentioned that many cultures still frown upon men undergoing cosmetic operations. Many cultures view males who undergo such procedures as feminine or weak. People in need of therapies may become very disheartened by this news. Many men who would benefit from these therapies are discouraged because of the stigma attached to them. As a result, they often forego these therapies despite having ready access to them.

    What History Do These Men Have?

    The exorbitant expense of cosmetic operations means that most men seeking them come from privileged households. Most of the customers also live in major cities. Clients typically come from the entertainment industry. However, clients from the corporate and media worlds are also catered to. It is anticipated that as these treatments gain popularity, their costs will decrease, and more individuals will have access to them.


    More men are opting for cosmetic treatments, as they no longer feel the need to be overly preoccupied with their appearance. Middle-aged men are increasingly seeking non-surgical procedures to enhance their appearance, whether for professional reasons, adapting to new romantic or social situations, or boosting self-esteem. Men in their 30s and 40s are more likely to get non-invasive cosmetic procedures, including dermal fillers, injections to reduce wrinkles, and liposuction. Eyelid surgery, facelifts, and non-invasive body contouring were popular procedures for patients aged 50 to 70.

    There are various cosmetic operations available for men to choose from to improve their appearance, regardless of age, social standing, or motivation. Liposuction is a common procedure for both men and women, and can slim the tummy, remove love handles, and sculpt the chest. Gynecomastia surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery, treats excessive breast tissue in men. Laser treatments can help achieve a leaner and more muscular appearance, but they require significant recovery time.

    Fillers are another option for men looking to appear younger, as they can help avoid being mistaken for women and achieve a subtle, natural effect. Rhinoplasty is commonly done to improve facial harmony and can alter the nose's width, tip shape, and overall appearance. All male patients receive general anesthesia for their nose jobs, and the surgeon may use a combination of local anesthesia and oral sedation for more extensive treatments.

    Tummy tuck surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure for men to firm up their abdominal muscles and create a flatter, more masculine profile. It is typically performed while the patient is unconscious and can be combined with liposuction to reveal six-pack abs. Facelifts, chin augmentations, and eyelid surgery can make men feel younger and fresher. Injectable fillers and botox are non-invasive treatments that can improve the appearance of the face without going under the knife. Men often require more Botox or filler units than women, and they can last anywhere from six to twelve months when properly cared for. Laser hair removal has also seen an increase in the number of men seeking it.

    Many men seek cosmetic procedures to relive their youth, take away deep-held insecurities, boost their career chances, and maintain physical fitness. Liposuction is the most common male surgical operation, making up around 25% of the total. The dreaded "dad bod" is difficult to lose, but liposuction can help.

    However, many cultures still frown upon men undergoing cosmetic procedures, making them disheartened. As these treatments gain popularity, their costs will decrease and more individuals will have access to them. The history of these men is largely due to the exorbitant cost of cosmetic procedures, which has led to a preference for privileged households and clients from the entertainment industry, corporate, and media worlds.

    Content Summary

    • Women have historically sought various cosmetic treatments for a youthful appearance.
    • In the past, men were encouraged to age naturally and not focus on looks.
    • Societal norms have evolved, making it acceptable for heterosexual men to undergo cosmetic treatments.
    • The modern middle-aged man is more likely to invest in enhancing his looks.
    • There's a surge in middle-aged men opting for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
    • Men undergo these treatments for professional, social, or self-esteem reasons.
    • Men aged 30 to 40 prefer non-invasive treatments like dermal fillers and liposuction.
    • Men between 50 to 70 opt for eyelid surgery, facelifts, and body contouring.
    • Cosmetic surgery's popularity isn't limited by age or social status.
    • Both older and younger men seek these procedures for various reasons.
    • Contrary to myths, many men undergo liposuction to shape their bodies.
    • The liposuction procedure involves local anaesthesia and small incisions.
    • Lasers are used to melt the fat and tighten the skin during liposuction.
    • Gynecomastia surgery helps men address excessive breast tissue.
    • The severity of gynecomastia can vary, with extreme cases requiring breast lifts.
    • Treatment plans for gynecomastia can include liposuction and tissue removal.
    • Excess glandular tissue is often removed using minimally invasive keyhole surgery.
    • Lasers, like Fraxel, can help men achieve a youthful look.
    • Fillers provide subtle, natural results without making men appear feminine.
    • Rhinoplasty helps men achieve a nose that complements their facial features.
    • The rhinoplasty procedure can also address structural issues within the nose.
    • Post-rhinoplasty, patients might need to wear a splint for about a week.
    • Tummy tucks help men address loose, sagging skin in the abdominal area.
    • Tummy tucks can be combined with liposuction for comprehensive body sculpting.
    • Men are increasingly opting for facial cosmetic procedures to address signs of ageing.
    • Simple procedures like eyelid surgery can refresh the face's appearance.
    • Non-invasive treatments like injectable fillers and Botox are popular among men.
    • Men typically require more Botox units than women due to denser muscle tissue.
    • The results of Botox and fillers can last between six to twelve months.
    • Men are increasingly seeking laser hair removal treatments.
    • While initially designed for women, laser hair removal is now used by men on various body parts.
    • Laser hair removal efficacy can depend on hair colour.
    • The desire to recapture youth drives many men to cosmetic procedures.
    • Cosmetic surgery can help men overcome deeply rooted insecurities.
    • Positive changes in appearance can influence mental well-being.
    • Some men believe that looking younger and more fit can improve their career prospects.
    • The modern fast-paced lifestyle often reduces time available for fitness.
    • With work and social pressures, men seek efficient ways to maintain physical appearance.
    • Cosmetic treatments can provide quick and lasting solutions for appearance concerns.
    • The tides of societal acceptance have shifted, making men's cosmetic treatments mainstream.
    • Ageing baby boomers often choose cosmetic procedures to maintain their youthful looks.
    • Younger men seek treatments to delay visible signs of ageing.
    • Cosmetic surgery offers tailored solutions for men across different age groups.
    • Today's procedures respect the unique anatomical differences between genders.
    • Advancements in cosmetic treatments have provided minimally invasive options.
    • The wide array of procedures allows men to choose what best fits their needs.
    • Aesthetic treatments are no longer restricted by age or societal expectations.
    • Cosmetic procedures can also address health concerns, such as breathing difficulties from nasal obstructions.
    • Modern treatments focus on natural results to enhance men's masculinity.
    • The changing narrative around men's cosmetic treatments reflects the evolving perceptions of masculinity and beauty.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    They form personal goals for fitness and youthfulness and feel society's aesthetic pressures, too. From a cosmetic surgery perspective, men's goals include anything from a more balanced facial structure to a smaller bust or waistline.

    Today, men of all ages and all walks of life request plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Men's goals may include a more balanced nose, a rejuvenated face and a trimmer waistline. The procedures to achieve these goals must consider factors such as skin thickness, beard growth or body type.

    Despite the public perception that these procedures predominantly focus on women, many cosmetic plastic surgery patients are men. Overall, men still only represent a fraction of the total number of patients – 13 per cent, to be exact.

    All surgeries, including cosmetic procedures, carry risk. If your body mass index is 30 or higher (obesity) or you have diabetes, you might be at higher risk of developing complications such as blood clots in the legs or lungs. Smoking also increases risks and interferes with healing.

    Facial masculinization surgery creates a more angular face, which may appear more masculine. It reshapes your bones and soft tissue to create more angular facial features.

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